There are several types of modalities, and they will have different purposes, depending on the athlete’s needs. From doing functional exercises to running on the street, there are several options in the sports world, and everyone can choose according to their profile. Some types of sports are:
A practice that uses only body weight, the goal of calisthenics is to bring body awareness and mastery of the technique through practice. This is a low-cost modality since it is unlikely to have the aid of any equipment, so it is an affordable option, but it also needs monitoring when executing.
Another option that can be of low cost is a modality within the triad of triathlon and athletics. It is a choice that uses the lower limbs a lot, in addition to improving body resistance. Those who choose to run can go from the ‘simplest,’ such as running on the street, just needing to be aware of the basic equipment, which would be ideal clothes and shoes for practice, until arriving at practices with equipment such as the treadmill, or running of the track, for those who want a challenge in the sport.
Among the benefits of running are the work of the joints, strengthening of the knee, and a health improvement, as it is a sports practice that brings the quality of life (as well as all).
Ideal option for bicycle lovers, the sport of cycling is the practical outlet for that athlete who loves cycling. The activity can be done in different lands, besides being the leisure of many people. If you like cycling and think that contact with nature is pleasant, cycling is a great option, but it also requires proper care and monitoring, as it requires a lot of lower limbs.
Functional training is one option that the athlete will like if you want to work different physical capabilities in a single year. From body awareness to muscle flexibility, the modality in question will help gain strength and prevent health. The most common benefits of the practice are the ease to lose weight and lose weight, strengthen the muscles of the body and help balance and coordination.
If you are a person who wants to enter the sporting world and like the water, swimming is a great sport. Being also in athletics, the mentioned practice impacts several areas of the body: articulation, musculature, breathing, and posture stability.
Being on another surface, the body needs to have some adaptation, so monitoring is essential to accustom the body and avoid problems or injuries. With all these questions organized, it is possible to perceive some benefits of the practice, such as improved concentration, emotional stability, and socialization, as it is usually a joint practice.
Finally, an outlet that mixes different modalities, spinning, varies from cycling since it uses an ergonomic bicycle. However, the difference is that, in this practice, the equipment is stopped!
Spinning simulates a running path, usually guided by an instructor to the sound of some songs that will direct the pace and intensity. If your goal is to work hard on your leg and lose calories, this is the ideal option!