There has been much advancement in the website hosting industry. While Shared and Dedicated Hosting were the only two options available earlier, today, site owners have options like VPS Servers and Cloud Hosting to choose from.
Over the last decade, Cloud Hosting has evolved as a preferred hosting service across websites of all sizes. The following video shows why more and more enterprises are moving to Cloud Hosting:
Why Are Enterprises Moving To Cloud Hosting?
Being a relatively new technology, many site owners are not aware of what is Cloud Hosting and how it works. Today, we will discuss a Cloud Hosting service and look at some features and benefits offered by a Cloud Host.
What is Cloud Hosting?
Cloud Hosting is a website hosting service where your site is stored on a server shared between multiple users. This server is backed by a powerful cloud storage network. Therefore, the resources needed to run the site are spread across multiple servers on the cloud network.
How does Cloud Hosting work?
When you upload your site to a cloud server, the files and site data are replicated across the servers on the network. When a user visits your site, the server with available resources processes the request. In case of a traffic spike or a system overload, resources can be taken from other servers on the network. This allows a Cloud Web Host to offer a range of benefits as described below.
Benefits of Cloud Hosting
By the virtue of the Cloud Hosting architecture, a Cloud Hosting provider offers the following benefits:
1. Reliability
Since the resources are spread across multiple servers on the network, there is no single point of failure. Therefore, unlike sites that use resources from a single server, Cloud-Hosted websites offer better uptimes.
Further, your site data is mirrored across the cloud network. This helps in ensuring uninterrupted site services in the event of a technical snag or any server issue. These features make Cloud Hosting more reliable than most other traditional hosting services.
2. Scalability
With search engines and social media platforms driving most of the site traffic, traffic spikes are common in today’s times. To handle these spikes, site owners need resources like disk space, RAM, processing power, etc. In Cloud Hosting, your site draws its resources from multiple servers on the cloud network. Therefore, resources can be added to your hosting plan in no time. This is one of the best benefits offered by Cloud Hosting services.
3. Speed
A slow-loading website can lose users and SEO rank too. Therefore, most site owners focus on site speed while choosing a hosting plan. In Cloud Hosting, one server does not take care of all the tasks of a website. Instead, the workload is distributed across multiple servers. Hence, the requests are processed faster leading to better loading times. Also, most Cloud Hosts use a caching tool like Varnish Cache and a content delivery network (CDN) that can boost the speed of your site by 1000x!
Summing Up
Cloud Hosting has been designed keeping the requirements of the new-age websites in mind. While there are many myths surrounding Cloud Hosting, most of them are due to the lack of awareness of this new technology. If you are looking for a web hosting plan, ensure that you spend time understanding Cloud Hosting before making a decision. Good Luck!