Basic maths in casino gaming

Basic maths in casino gaming

To get the most out of casino games, players should be able to understand the game of numbers. A player who is good with numbers is more likely to win in games like bandarqq. Here are some basic maths which are involved in casino gaming.

Hit Rate

Hit Rate is the ratio of the number of winning bets to the number of overall bets. It is sometimes expressed in percentage. If you win 50 bets out of the 100 which you placed, your hit rate would be 50 percent and if you win all of them your hit rate will increase to 100 percent. On the surface, it may seem that a higher hit rate would result in higher chances of a win, but it is not the case. It reflects the number of wagers won but that does not mean that you will earn more money.


Basic probability shows the likeliness of an event to happen. The probability ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates an impossible event while 1 indicates a sure event. Probability can also be expressed in the form of percentages. Probability can be calculated precisely for events where the outcomes are equally likely. 

Tossing a fair coin has an equal probability of getting ahead or a tail. However, calculating probability in sports isn’t very easy. Many factors need to be considered for calculating the probability since the result can be affected by any of the factors. A simple way to calculate it by assuming the factors to be neutral or what it is likely to be.

Implied Probability

Implied probability in casino games suggests the likelihood of a particular outcome to happen. To calculate it, one is divided by the decimal odds. This gives a better idea of the outcome of the particular sports. The conversion of odds to implied probability or any other format can be difficult and the odds converter tool is used for this purpose.

Expected Value 

The expected value depicts your expectation of a win from a wager. It is calculated based on the overall probability of winning a wager. If you consider the implied probability to be the real probability, the expected value of the wager will always be zero. The implied probability made by bookmakers’ odds is generally higher than the real probability. A low-quality prediction is the one where the expected wager value is less than zero. If it is a positive value, it is a high-quality prediction.


These are some basic maths that every casino gamer should know when playing games like bandarqq.

Curd Savia