Sitting on the desk and sedentary work hours affect everyone. Such a lifestyle takes a heavy toll on health. Which is why what every working person sitting in front of the computer screen needs is an ergonomic stand up desk that offers the following benefits. Have a look!
- Reduction in Neck and Shoulder Strain
It has been observed that people who keep changing their position from time to time are least affected by the many postural problems that are a result of sitting and slouching for hours in front of the computer screen.
On the contrary, when you use a height adjustable desk, you get to switch between sitting and standing that helps in drastic pain reduction.
- Improvement in Concentration and Focus
Pain and discomfort in the shoulders and back, even fingers, are the biggest reasons that people aren’t able to fully concentrate on their work. But, with the constant use of stand up desks (electric as well as manual) such distractions improve and eventually end. Thus, it improves your work productivity.
- Improvement in the Quality of Life
Health issues due to constant stagnation can be easily managed with the help of stand up desks. The many ways in which they improve the quality of life are given below.
- You don’t have to go through muscular cramps.
- Problems like neck strain and back strain get resolved.
- You burn more calories when you stand than you do while sitting.
So, all in all, your entire quality of life improves.
That being said, let’s now take you through the different high-quality stand up desks like the PrimeCables stand up desks that you can buy. Have a look!
#1. Sit Standing Desk Height Adjustable Ergo Riser ADR
This height adjustable stand up desk can incorporate upto 22 different height settings. Some other interesting features of this desk are as follows.
- It’s extremely spacious – is 31.5″ wide.
- Its gas spring mechanism makes it very easy to switch between the different height levels.
- It can be vertically height adjusted up-to 15″.
#2. Sit-Stand Dual-Motor Height Adjustable ADR Desk Frame
This is an electric ergonomic sit-stand desk that offers the option to adjust the height in 4 different foot levels. Besides, it also:
- Can be height adjusted between 24.4″ to 49.2″.
- Has 3 memory presets that you can save according to your height.
- Has a digital memory controller.
These are the 2 sit-stand desks that we found most realistic.
You can, though, have a look at the entire collection at PrimeCables here, https://www.primecables.ca/c-18885-sit-stand-desk-solutions.