Netflix knows just how to serve the right movies and series to keep their subscribers entertained. You’ve probably noticed that they’re doubling up on seasonal shows, and they’ve also added a lot of animated content as well as dramas and series to keep you coming back. If you’re like most people, Netflix is part of your weekend plans, especially if you’ve been waiting for a show for a while.
Ready for the latest shows that dropped on Netflix? Sit back, relax, and have these four items near you:
Your body needs water to stay hydrated and function properly. When you’re engrossed in what you’re watching and Netflix automatically plays the next episode without you having to click on anything, it’s easy to just get comfortable and not move from your spot for hours. Though you’re not doing anything that consumes energy, you will still be sweating, and this means you will need water to replenish the liquids you’ve lost. Water is also good for the skin, which is why you’ll find most beauty gurus advocate staying hydrated. It’s not enough that you go on a cosmetics online shopping spree every once in a while; it’s better to keep your skin thoroughly hydrated and moisturized every day.
<h4>Neck Pillows</h4>
You may start your binge sitting upright, but at some point, you’ll want to lay down and get more comfortable. You have the couch all to yourself, but your neck will not be happy about the position after a couple of hours. A neck pillow helps support your neck so that it does not feel strained or cause any problems while you’re enjoying your show.
A Blanket
Who would not want to fall asleep to the ending credits of their favorite movie? When it’s almost 2AM and you’re sleepy but you don’t want to get up, you want a blanket with you to at least get a good night’s sleep even on the couch. Paired with your neck pillow, this can already be as good as a bed. Even earlier into your binge, a blanket keeps your lower extremities warm so that you will not have to deal with leg cramps, which lower the quality of your binge-watching experience.
Your Phone
It’s not because you want to be on your phone when you’re supposedly concentrating on a show, especially if it’s in a foreign language. There are several reasons to keep your phone near you while you’re comfortably watching. If anyone needs to reach you for something urgent, you won’t have to get up from your spot just to answer their calls. Your alarms and reminders will also remind you of the time, especially if you’re meant to be doing something important. Your phone is an extension of your life, so even if you’re not using it, it’s still good to have it ready. Plus, when you need to fact check some of the scenes in the show you’re watching, your phone is right there!
Weekends are supposed to be for your relaxation and rejuvenation. If you’re into binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows, make sure you have these four items to make the experience fun and worthwhile.