Whenever you are planning on putting up a payment processor so that you can accept card payments, then you should consider asking these questions to the payment providers:-
- What are the different rates:-
Some of the service providers will charge you extra cost whenever a payment is made by using either the POS machine or the payment gateway.
It can wither be charged on someone’s personal, business, debit and reward card so you should know what the charges they are taking from you to process these types of a payment request from are.
- Do you charge bill backs:-
It is not an unusual behaviour of a payment provider to lure you to taking their service as they will lie and offer you a fake small amount of interest rate that will please you at that time.
If you take a certain card payment then at the end of the month you will come to know that they have not charged the amount on the interest which they have offered and then they will neglect from saying that statement.
- What is the rate of fees when a card is swiped:-
To save them from any fraud, the processor charges a different type of rate of interest on the type of payment that has been made by you or the customer’s card.
Online processing of payment has the highest chance of fraud so the provider will charge a bit higher amount than usual so that they don’t have to face a heavy loss.
- Do you charge a separate fee for gateway:-
It is almost common for every provider to charge you money or a small fee whenever a payment has been made by the online payment gateway, and the common rate will be 2.9% which will be depending on the amount for which the transaction has been made.
- When your refund do you get the extra fee back:-
Most card processor will keep all the transaction fee and not give them back, but in some cases, they will charge some amount of money to the business to give them back the amount of money they have requested.
This is due to the reason that the goods sold were faulty and the customer wants to refund the payment, but most of the time business owners avoid these things and offer them something else from the store.
- What are contract term and early termination fees charged:-
Most of the processors have a contract term which you have to go with them, but if you are unhappy and want to change your provider, then you will have to complete the process of termination. It is a time-consuming process and will also cost your extra business cost because you are cancelling the contract early before the expiration date and which will also result in the loss of the provider so they will charge you a high amount of money.
I hope you get the information you were searching for in this article.