First Aid: General Restrictions

First Aid: General Restrictions

In today’s society, emergency medical care around the world remains one of the decisive factors in saving lives.  The nature of the emergency situation does not allow to prepare in advance the resources needed to provide medical care (medical staff, medicines, medical institutions, specialized transport). In this regard, the question arises about the provision of First Aid to victims. Erste-Hilfe Kurs München Führerschein arranges special seminars where everyone can gain vital skills and knowledge.

Erste hilfe kurs moosach teaches that  before proceeding with the provision of First Aid, it is necessary to take measures to stop the impact of damaging factors – extinguish burning clothes, stop exposure to the victim of electric current, pull the victim out of the water, or remove from a burning building, etc. Then the first aider should quickly assess the condition of the victim, that is, establish whether he is alive or dead, and if alive, then determine the severity of the lesion.

In accordance with erste hilfe kurs ostbahnhof material there are  signs of life like:

  • The presence of a pulse in the carotid artery;
  • Spontaneous breathing;
  • Pupil reaction to light. 

General restrictions

Erste hilfe kurse münchen führerschein explains that it is not allowed:

  • Touch and drag the victim to another place.
  • To correct the fallen organs in case of damage to the chest and especially the abdominal cavities.
  • Give water or medicine by mouth to an unconscious person.
  • Touching the wound with your hands or other objects.
  • Let the victim look at their wound. Do not aggravate his condition with your preoccupied look, provide help calmly and confidently.

The task of First Aid is to use the simplest means to save the life of the victim, alleviate his suffering, prevent the development of possible complications, and reduce the severity of injury or illness.

Lord Davine