How to Get the Most Out of Amazon Reviews

How to Get the Most Out of Amazon Reviews

If you’re an Amazon shopper, you know how helpful reviews can be. By reading reviews, you can get a better understanding of the product before you buy it, and make an informed decision about whether it is right for you. Additionally, Amazon reviews can be a great way to get helpful advice from other customers who have already purchased and used the product, which can help you make the best decision for your needs. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of Amazon reviews.

  1. Check the date of the review:

If you’re looking at a review for a product that’s been out for a while, make sure to check the date of the review. A lot can change in the months or years since a product was first released, and a review from the early days might not be relevant anymore.

  1. Look for verified purchases:

Amazon reviews come from two different sources: verified best sold items on amazon purchases and unverified purchases. Verified purchases are from people who bought the product directly from Amazon, while unverified purchases can be from anywhere.

  1. Read the negative:

It might seem counterintuitive, but negative reviews can actually be more helpful than positive ones. That’s because they often point out things that you might not have considered, like a design flaw or a problem with the product.

  1. Take reviews with a grain of salt.

Remember that reviews are just one person’s opinion. Take them with a grain of salt and use them as one piece of information in your decision-making process.

  1. Use reviews to find similar products:

If you’re trying to decide between two similar products, reviews can be a helpful way to break the tie. Just make sure to read a variety of reviews to get a well-rounded picture.

  1. Review the reviewer:

If you’re really struggling to decide whether to trust a review, take a look at the reviewer’s profile. Amazon reviews are more reliable when they come from reviewers with a history of helpful, insightful reviews.

  1. Check out the product photos:

In addition to reading the reviews, take a look at the product photos. Sometimes a product can look different in person than it does in a photo, so it’s helpful to get a sense of what it actually looks like.

  1. Read the comments:

In addition to reading the reviews themselves, take a look at the comments. Sometimes people will ask questions or make helpful suggestions in the comments section.

  1. Compare prices:

If you’re trying to decide between two similar products, reviews can be helpful. But don’t forget to compare prices as well. Sometimes a more expensive product is actually a better value.

  1. Follow your gut:

At the end of the day, trust your gut. You know what you’re looking for in a product, and you’ll be the best judge of whether a particular product is right for you.


Amazon reviews can be a helpful way to make sure you’re getting the best product for your needs. But don’t forget to use other resources as well, like product photos and comments from other shoppers. And when in doubt, trust your gut.

Lisa Watson