Scared of Identity Thieves? Here’s Why You Need Document Shredding!

Scared of Identity Thieves? Here’s Why You Need Document Shredding!

One of the biggest concerns that every business owner has to keep in mind is keeping their clients’ private information safe. Most personal information is stored in documents such as bank statements, bills, social security numbers, credit card numbers, addresses, etc. Losing these in public places can be highly insecure.

Such cases can be threatening to your clients’ identity and can lead to a data breach if your organisation is not careful. There have been numerous recent cases of identity theft in Charmhaven, Australia, that have resulted in various data breach incidents. In such cases, it is necessary to look for services which take up document shredding in Charmhaven.

In this article, you will see all the benefits of document shredding and why you must choose it.

Reasons why you should be document shredding

A good reason to invest in document shredding Charmhaven is to secure your and your clients’ personal information from reaching thieves. According to government reports, identity crime is a critical threat to the Charmhaven community. It results in financial losses to public and private ownerships.

So, here are some reasons why you must consider shredding official documents.

  1. Protects identity theft

Identity theft is constantly rising and is a massive threat to businesses that save their clients’ personal and professional details on documents. Criminals are constantly going through waste bins and trash cans to get their hands on any and every personal information.

Details as simple as knowing someone’s name and address can make it easy for them to apply for a credit or debit card under your name or use it against you in any possible way.

  1. Extra storage space

Storing all that data can take up so much storage space in your office or home. Piles of unnecessary papers and documents can even make your space look untidy and cluttered. Papers tend to take up a lot of space on desks, inside cabinets, or other places.

Moreover, they can also be a potential fire hazard and spread throughout the entire office. Hence, shredding and disposing of your unused documents safely and securely can help minimise unnecessary clutter and fire hazard.

  1. Eco-friendly option

Most of the paper that is shredded is recycled to produce more paper. Hence, it is an excellent way to preserve mother nature by doing your bit. Buying paper and wasting it will only lead to the depletion of trees and other natural resources.

By investing in a document shredder, you can simply shred a piece of paper whenever you find it not helpful and do your bit to make the earth a better place. Shredded paper or document also serves as the perfect compost material. Hence, you’re only doing everyone a favour by taking this step.

  1. Saves time and money

Investing in an in-house document shredder will save you time and money. Most businesses consider this option more feasible than maintaining an internal shredding program for their business, as it can be more costly.

You can also hire professional shredding services that take care of the entire process and allow more time for productivity for you and your team.

  1. Complies with the Law

Personal details like personal addresses, salary details, medical records, or financial data are considered confidential waste. So, as per the law, confidential waste must be disposed of correctly.

Some laws penalise individuals or businesses for improper disposal of documents with confidential content. So, to avoid falling into this trap, it’s always better to comply with the law and shred confidential waste.

Final words

Now that you know why you must consider services for document shredding in Charmhaven, it is time to bring that plan to action. Get in touch with professionals that can help you correctly go through this process while saving you time and money.

Lastly, remember that one careless mistake can lead to possible identity theft. Hence, always take care of personal details and secure them as much as possible.

Lord Davine